Saturday, August 29, 2009


Oh Mr. Water Machine, why, oh why have you forsaken me!!! You have been there for me time and time again. When I was gave me drink. When I needed a rinse or cooling off, you gave me H2O. I have told so many about you. I've sung your praises and recommended you to every triathlete/biker I know. I've told them that you are located all over the valley at most gas stations and convenient stores and even freestanding at times. I've raved about how for just 1 quarter you graciously give my fresh, cold water on the hottest of days...OK it is not always cold, but I've forgiven you for that. But today you have gone to far. You turned your back on me when I needed you most! You showed up 2 hours into my 4 hour ride like a gift from above only to taunt and laugh at me. You knew it was hot. It was well over 100 degrees already at 8am and yet you decided to charge me 30 cents instead of 25. At first I think no problem because I brought 2 quarters. Yet when I put the second quarter in you kept spitting it out. OK, I know, I know, it was a quarter from my trip to Bermuda last year but COME ON! It has to be worth 5 cents! Not only would you not accept my quarter, but you would not give back my first one so I could take it elsewhere, what's up with that?! I could see the grin on your face as I dug around hoping, just hoping that I had some change on me somewhere else hidden in my spandex. You just sat there smugly with your water spout saying dispense water here...Oh, there would be no dispensing today. And you left me penniless for my 2 hour ride home. I could hear you chuckle as I rode away. Well, you got me today Mr. Water Dispenser Machine, but I won't be so quick to whup you up to all my friends anymore. In fact I might just tell them how your friend Mr. Sprinkler helped me out down the road (granted it was an hour and 45 minutes later) and gave me water for free! Out of the kindness of his own heart. Your a good man Mr. Sprinkler, I shall repay you someday.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

One Hot Workout!

I started taking Bikram Yoga classes about 6 years ago when I lived in Boulder, Colorado. Since moving to Arizona my participation has dwindled. Seriously, who wants to take 90 minutes of yoga in a room heated to 105°F or higher with a humidity of at least 40% when it's 115°F outside? And once my training for Ironman really got rolling I just could not find a way to fit it into the already busy training schedule full of swims, bikes, and runs. Then this past week I came across an article in the East Valley Tribune about how athletes are using Bikram Yoga to help avoid injuries. Bikram expands lung capacity, increases flexibility, and improves your core and stabilizer muscle strength, leading to a less likelihood of overuse injuries in the long run. In addition to your body, Bikram is great for endurance athletes because it teaches you to remain calm in challenging, stressful situations by improving focus, determination, and endurance. In the article they spoke with professional triathlete David Glove. He spoke about how last year when he was training for Ironman he factored Bikram into his training schedule. He believed it was every bit as important as his long runs and 100-mile bike rides. This got me thinking about the nagging back and hip pain I have been suffering from (I have already tried medication, physical therapy, and chiropractic care). Maybe it is time for me to roll my yoga mat back out and start factoring Bikram back into my training schedule.

Sunday, August 2, 2009